Time to get PBSA Accredited?
We can help you get accredited faster, at less cost and radically increase the odds of your success the first time you apply.
We have studied every PBSA Accreditation Clause/Sub-Clause and created a workbook package that explains the standard, details exactly what you must do to achieve compliance and provided a model response for each and every criterion.
But it’s not just a workbook—there is a supplemental materials package that provides everything from your Policy and Procedure Manual, Employee Handbook Addendum, User Agreement Addendum, job descriptions and affidavits, Employee Instruction Manual, Information Security Policy, Consumer Privacy Policy, Client Verification Forms, Vendor Agreements, Disclosure and Release, Adverse Action letters and other needed documents and forms. These are provided to you in electronic format so that you may modify as needed—but they are complete on their own.
The process of accreditation will improve your processes, make you more efficient, your employees will do a better job, and your liability (and any resulting attorney expenses) will go down. If you take the initiative soon, it will be a competitive advantage. If you wait, and try to play catch-up you’re going to be at a disadvantage as you wait in line.
We can help. Call or email us for more information.